Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Owl Hat

Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well. We have been busy with visitors and other fun stuff around here.

I thought I would quick share a new hat I made for my good friend Rachel. Her sweet little one is going as an owl for Halloween so she asked if I would make her a hat. Rachel has already made part of the costume and it’s adorable! She is using purples, grey and white for the feathers so she wanted a purple hat. Here it is!

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This little guy is made with Lion Brand Homespun yarn so it’s really soft and warm. You never know if Halloween will be warm or freezing cold where we live.

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I hope Rachel and Evelyn like it! Little Evelyn is going to be the cutest owl ever



Side note: I've been debating about putting owl hats in the Etsy shop. I just can’t do it. They are adorable hats but a lot of work. So this may be the last owl hat you will see for a long time!


  1. It's very cute. You'll probably get a lot of orders when everyone sees Evelyn wearing it. :)

  2. You could always just sell the pattern in your shop!

  3. Oh Its cute! Owl are really populare in dk


Thanks for your comment! Happy crocheting :)